Illustration, Art Prints and Gifts, Art Classes
uplifting illustration for every occasion
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STARTING AN ETSY SHOP One of the most rewarding and profitable things I have done during my career as an artist was to start selling on Etsy back in 2012. I thought it would be a good way to sell some of my original paintings, so I listed three paintings, added my name to my shop, and waited for them to sell. Then I waited some more… and some more… and some more… Well, I was […]
Read MoreMy latest class on teaches you how to paint a galaxy and stars on a wooden panel and add your favorite zodiac constellation with decorative nail heads. This trendy celestial wall hanging makes a great DIY birthday gift idea or looks great added to a gallery wall display. If you want to learn how to prepare a wood panel for acrylic paints, blend acrylic paints, paint stars, or prepare a piece of art to […]
Read MoreGet it done! Figure it out! Pay attention! Calm Down!… ugh!! Life is so busy and stressful and just plain overwhelming sometimes! What if I told you that there was an easy, fun, and totally accessible way to help you to 1) be more productive 2) solve problems 3) find focus 4) relieve anxiety 5) and increase your creativity and happiness? The good news is that there is a way, my friend. It’s the simple […]
Read MorePainting roses is easy and fun in this acrylic painting class on This course is for anyone interested in learning: 1) how to paint easy, loose, and fun decorative roses and leaves step by step. 2) a simple method for creating dimension and interest in your paintings. 3) some basic brushstrokes and the brushes you need to make them. 4) easy to understand rules on how to compose […]
Read MoreThe holiday of LOVE is upon us, and if you’ve waited until the last minute (or…GASP…FORGOTTEN) to get a Valentine’s Day gift for your sweetie, I’ve got you covered. I’ve created a printable “LOVE COUPON BOOK” you can download HERE: Here’s how to make your own little book you can stick in a card, leave on your sweetheart’s pillow, or any other romantic place you can think of. SUPPLIES: -FREE printable sheet of coupons […]
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